ACTFC Refrigerant Dryers


Friulair improves it’s range of compressed air dryers with the development of the ACTFC series (Aluminium Cooling Technology), focused to reduce energy consumption.

Technical Data:

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Technical Data:

Model  Number Flow Rate Connections      Weight  Inlet pressure   max bar g
m³/h l/min scfm BSP-F  (kg)
ACTFC 3 21 350 12 G 1/2″ 28 16
ACTFC 5 33 550 19 G 1/2″ 29 16
ACTFC 8 51 850 30 G 1/2″ 31 16
ACTFC 12 71 1,200 42 G 1/2″ 34 14
ACTFC 18 108 1,800 64 G 1″ 36 14
ACTFC 23 138 2,300 81 G 1″ 37 14
ACTFC 30 186 3,100 109 G 1.1/4″ 46 14
ACTFC 40 240 4,000 141 G 1.1/4″ 50 14
ACTFC 55 330 5,500 194 G 1.1/2″ 55 14
ACTFC 60 372 6,200 219 G 1.1/2″ 63 14
ACTFC 80 486 8,100 286 G 2″ 92 14
ACTFC 100 630 10,500 371 G 2″ 94 14
ACTFC 120 750 12,500 441 G 2.1/2″ 141 14
ACTFC 140 870 14,500 512 G 2.1/2″ 150 14
ACTFC 160 960 16,000 565 G 2.1/2″ 161 14

Friulair improves it’s range of compressed air dryers with the development of the ACTFC series (Aluminium Cooling Technology), focused to reduce energy consumption.

The ACTFC series has been designed and built to facilitate any inspection and maintenance operations that may prove necessary. The hoods are easily removed and offer immediate access to all parts of the system. The clear layout of the components, the simple composition of the refrigerant circuit and the numbering of the wires in the electrical system, facilitate the operator when carrying out standard maintenance.

Data refers to the following nominal conditions:
Ambient temperature of 25°C, inlet temperature 70°C, inlet air pressure at 14 bar g, 35°C and 3°C pressure dew point (16 bar g for ACT 3 – 12), (-22°C atmospheric pressure dew point).

Maximum working conditions :
Ambient temperature: 50°C
Inlet air temperature: 55°C
Inlet air pressure: 16 bar g


Additional information

Model Number

ACT 3 (12 scfm, 21 m³/h), ACT 5 (19 scfm, 33 m³/h), ACT 8 (30 scfm, 51 m³/h), ACT 12 (42 scfm, 71 m³/h), ACT 18 (64 scfm, 108 m³/h), ACT 23 (81 scfm, 138 m³/h), ACT 30 (109 scfm, 186 m³/h), ACT 40 (141 scfm, 240 m³/h), ACT 55 (194 scfm, 330 m³/h), ACT 60 (219 scfm, 372 m³/h), ACT 80 (286 scfm, 486 m³/h), ACT 100 (371 scfm, 630 m³/h), ACT 120 (441 scfm, 750 m³/h), ACT 140 (512 scfm, 870 m³/h), ACT 160 (565 scfm, 960 m³/h)